Art Hive Magazine
Whoever coined the phrase “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” was on to something. I mean every job has those days and I’d be hard pressed to find someone who loves every aspect of what they do; but it’s got to be pretty hard to be salty when you’re about to walk out on stage to thousands of fans chanting your band’s name.
I met Shawn Hagood by chance when our paths crossed at a small independent record label in Deerfield Beach (Florida). We bonded over our love for all things music and since then he’s gone on to do some pretty incredible things, including living the dream of being an international rock star - the touring, the album recording, the whole nine yards.
He’s still as humble as ever and I had the opportunity to catch Shawn between rehearsals to talk creativity, drive, and the music business before the Dirty Heads hit the road with Iration for an epic summer tour…
Written by: Andrew Winninger of Art Hive Magazine
To read more about Shawn in this issue of Art Hive Magazine, click here!